Subject: Facebook experts reveal client-getting secrets
Hi Firstname,
I wish I knew about these Facebook marketing hacks years ago when I was building my first coaching business.
At the time there were few options to test your ads and you certainly couldn’t target your audience with laser precision like you can now.
Recently my friends XXX and XXX showed me a few tricks of the trade when it comes to using Facebook to add thousands of targeted prospects to my list.
I’m so excited about the results that I have to let you in on the secret since you are in my inner circle.
In case you don’t know, XXX and XXX are the go to experts when it comes to growing your business through Facebook. They know exactly what it takes to make your content go viral, and they’ll show you the ropes when it comes to finding an audience to target.
They’ve put together a new manual called “Unleashing new clients at will!”” and you can download for free for the next few days.
Imagine spending just 10 minutes creating some content and then it goes viral… that means you get instant exposure to thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of potential clients!
Imagine creating income – as much as you want – on demand.
You don’t have to imagine it anymore. It can be your reality. Get your copy right now while it’s still free! (clickable link)
P.S. If you’re a coach, author or speaker you can grow your business exponentially with these simple Facebook secrets, and you can do it with very little or even no investment. But please do it now as the manual will only be available for a short time. After that, XXX and XXX will either pull it or start charging for it. Either way, I want you to have the tools so you can make more money in your business