words create customers

Jane Thomson-Copywriter

About me...

If you want to unleash the floodgates of new leads and sales into your business, then one thing is sure:


You’ve got to get the words right.




Because words have infinite selling power. 


The right words… in the right order… to the right people can trigger an unstoppable flood of sales and profits.


The right words can build up your empire and make your business thrive, even in desperate times.


Let me back up a bit.


I’m Jane Thomson, and I know the power of words from painful experience because as a child, I could barely talk. It took all my strength and courage to squeak out a “hi” at any social gathering. 


Nothing hammers home the power of words more than NOT having them.


Three things happened in my life that changed me forever:


First, I turned to writing.


For as long as I can remember, people have told me I was a natural writer.


After college, I signed up for an online copywriting class with the University of Toronto. 


When a decorated marketing professor said I had a “natural talent,” I realized a life-changing truth.


Words can make money!


Second, I got into sales.


As you can imagine, it didn’t go well.  Commission only sales is terrifying.  There I stood before my first intimidating customer (a 50ish woman who stood a whopping 5’2”, but in my defence, she was a pistol.)  I stuttered and stammered, trying to remember all that sales training I’d studied so relentlessly, and coming up blank. 


It’s hard to imagine, me, a shy little slip of a thing who could barely talk diving headfirst into the most terrifying experience of all: Commission only sales.


At first, I struggled. When I saw my first minuscule, tiny paycheque, I cried like a five-year-old who lost her puppy. But that soon changed.


I doubled down and learned the words. Before long, my income nearly doubled what I was getting as an office clerk.


And there it was…


Words turning into cash right before my eyes, and my bank account was proof.


A simple face-to-face conversation could trigger a commission of several hundred dollars.


However… words on paper (or in video) can reach thousands of people in an instant… and bring new customers from anywhere in the world… racking up sales 24/7, even while you’re asleep…


Now that’s a rush!


Since then, I’ve been obsessed, devouring everything I could get my hands on about copywriting and selling.


I studied the masters like it was my religion.


I woke up extra early for my daily devotions to Gary Halbert, Clayton Makepeace, Dan Kennedy… people who have literally sold billions of dollars of products through the power of words.


And let me tell you… this stuff works.  It’s almost scary.


It’s better than magic.  It’s systematic.  Here’s an example of the system in action:


I had a music teaching website with a tiny, badly neglected list that I hadn’t emailed for years.


However, after my training, hot selling ideas began to flow like water. 


A headline popped into my brain: 


“Why do I sing better in the car?”


The rest of the ad came fast and furious.


A few emails later, and BOOM… I racked up a 3.5% response rate from my puny, dusty old list. 


Then, I discovered a life-changing discovery. a SYSTEM, and the power of a MENTOR.


I was lucky enough to get the chance to be mentored by Colin Chung, one of John Carlton’s top coaches.


Now let’s be real for a second. NO ONE can GUARANTEE an ad will work, no matter how skilled they are. Technology and the market move at lightning speed, and things are always changing.


However, human nature never changes, and this proven, systematic approach is the closest thing to a guarantee anyone could ever make. 


(John Carlton is one of the best ad writers who ever lived. People are still talking about his ads twenty years later. And many of those ads are still making money.)


This program meant eight solid weeks of total immersion into the most profitable ad writing system on the planet. 


Every day, I posted an exercise and got whipped into top form by the best instructor John has.


It was intense, but it was worth it.


Soon, I had another startling discovery to make:


I wrote and wrote like crazy.  And like my “Why do I sing better in the car” ad, I knew my stuff was good.


But I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything with my work.


I was cranking out content and copy left, right and centre.  


I should have been all out there, posting and advertising all over the internet… building a gigantic list and making myself filthy stinking rich.


So why not?


Because I had my third startling discovery:


I don’t want to be famous.


My whole life, I fantasized about being this outgoing, popular celebrity.


But it turns out… I HATE putting myself out there. The idea of setting myself up as a “guru” in any niche horrifies me. I don’t want the world to know my name or face. Don’t want my picture online, and I definitely don’t want Youtube videos with my voice or my mug on them.


As soon as my site started succeeding, I got cold feet and yanked the sucker down. 


So now for a change of plan:


To work behind the scenes and generate a slew of money and sales for you using my proven copy and content formula.


(Client work is obviously confidential… However, I have lots of samples and examples to show you if you think we’re a match.)


And here is a sneak peek at what I go through to make it happen:

The nearly fool-proof foundation for ALL selling success:

Selling is NOT a creative endeavor. It’s more like following a recipe. If you get the steps right, you feast like a king. The money is in the PILES of research, and I’m gonna dig deep. First, I want to know everything about your top 3-5 competitors. Plus, I’ll want you to send me everything you can in your own customers’ words. Then I can write personally to them in a way that’s much more compelling and persuasive.


Uncovering the irresistible hook:

All this research is for a purpose – to find the most compelling hook possible, to instantly grab your perfect prospect’s attention and keep them fascinated from start to finish.


The sweet selling “so-what” test:

I go the extra mile with the features and benefits. Each feature almost certainly has more than one benefit. The deepest, most emotional benefits turn into eye-popping stories to make your product or service a must-have.


Prescheduled sales-boosting pow-wow sessions:

This helps to flush out the most potent, most irresistible hooks and to craft your ultimate USP. I design each session in advance, so each session will only take a few minutes. Your bank account, however, will thank you.


Avoid the usual hassle of hiring a writer.

When you hire an agency or content farm to write copy, they often source it out overseas to people who can barely speak English. If you’re lucky, you’ll get back copy that is clear and easy to understand. But all too often, you’ll spend your money and get back a bunch of gibberish you’ll have to rewrite completely. But that won’t happen here. I only take on projects I know I can complete. And I don’t outsource. Every single word will be written by yours truly.

Unearthing the selling scoop:

Nothing beats the selling power of a good story… but it’s got to be the right story. And wouldn’t you know it, there are __ types of ideal stories to help sell your product like crazy.


The Close that Makes or Breaks Your Ad

Here’s where a lot of would-be writers blow it… because they get all wishy-washy when it comes time to close the sale. But here’s my face-to-face sales experience to the rescue. Commission only, remember? If I don’t close, I don’t eat, so I’m determined to nail this critical detail. And I’ve got the tools and templates that get the money without coming off as aggressive or obnoxious.


A cold-blooded killer’s guide to skyrocketing sales

Don’t worry. I’m not talking about violence. I am talking about heartless, merciless, ruthless editing of your copy to make sure NOTHING clogs it up or slows it down. In writer-speak, we call it “Murdering your darlings.” This is a big MONEY step many writers won’t do, or do half-heartedly… because it HURTS!


Want to get double the results from the same promo? 

It’s simple. Turn the copy into a VSL and watch sales explode. I create the slides. You just dub in the audio.

My ultimate secret weapon for designing your killer ad? 

My extensive, exhaustive swipe file to use as proven templates… (one example after another of winning controls that have made millions, and sometimes billions.)

Today, more businesses than ever are scrambling after a shrinking pool of customers. A solid system keeps you one step ahead of your competitors.


With a predictable system in place, sales come fast and furious. You’ll bet more leads, better leads, prequalified and presold, and ready to buy.

Who is this for?


My done for you copywriting service is for you if you are an established business owner with a responsive list of customers and an ETHICAL product or service to sell.

Ideally, you offer a professional service in business-to-business and need a steady flow of leads in your pipeline to thrive. I’m talking to you, lawyers, accountants, and freelance providers!


Or, you have a really cool personal development program that helps people improve their lives and need to compete against all the fluff out there getting so much attention.


Or you have a passion you’re obsessed with and have created a really awesome how-to course, like how to sing, how to write books, how to play the piano, how to draw… etc. I love writing for passion and can help you bring your course to life.


Or you have a unique new gadget or invention that does something amazeballs:) (Interesting fact: I love gadgets so much it could be my nickname.)


I can help you create irresistible landing pages to build your list, compelling stories to bond with your prospects and spectacular offers to make your product seem like the screamin’ deal of the century, and create “content disguised as copy” to build rapport and give immediate value, and help direct tons of traffic to your site.


Above all, my service is for you if you don’t want fancy, clever sounding marketing that your friends LOVE… but doesn’t sell.


It’s important to know that I don’t get “clever” with my copy.  I don’t even try.  


My mission is to generate as many sales and and as much profit as humanly possible, not to come up with a catchy slogan.


Who is this NOT for?


If you’re just getting started and have zero marketing budget, there’s not much I can do for you, at least not yet. My prices are reasonable, but I don’t work cheap, and I definitely don’t work for free.


Plus, you’ve got to have a REAL product or service with a REAL benefit. 


I refuse to sell anything unethical, so no fake cancer cures or get-rich schemes that play upon the desperate.


I only want to work with clients if I am confident I can make money for you AND sleep soundly at night.

Why my NO Money back guarantee is GREAT NEWS for your business.


I’m not going to offer a refund if you don’t like my copy. Why? For three reasons:

1) I’m not just going to throw it together in an hour or two of my spare time. I work HARD to create the strongest sales message possible. I do the research, follow the steps, write a ton, rewrite it, polish it and then rewrite it some more.

2)I have spent years and years and THOUSANDS of dollars developing and fine-tuning my skills.

3) Unfortunately, there are hucksters out there who would love to make me work my tail off, demand a refund, then use my copy anyway. Sure it’s illegal, but I’ve got horror stories. And recourses are few. You don’t want to get taken. Neither do I.

My no-refund guarantee ensures that I only work with quality professionals and also that I can dedicate my best work to a few.

So what guarantee will I make?

1) Under no circumstances will I farm out your copy to someone else. I write every single word of your project. Are you still reading this letter? Intrigued? Want to know more? Then rest assured, I can do the same for you and your company.

2) I will follow all of the steps in my proven system, take absolutely no shortcuts, giving your project the best possible chance of success.

3) I refuse to hand anything over unless it meets the stringent checklist you and I will both agree on beforehand.

4) I am serious about meeting deadlines, so I won’t overpromise just to land the deal.

I’m trying to build my reputation here, not destroy it. One of my goals is to get a glowing testimonial from you, which doesn’t happen by missing deadlines. And I’m fast, but I do have a process, so I won’t promise anything until we talk more about the scope of your project.

I want you to feel like Scrooge McDuck diving into his money bin, rolling around in fabulous riches.


I’m not looking for a boatload of clients. I only want a few where I can work with regularly. The more I get to know your market, your customers, and your product, the better results you’re going to get. The more I know your audience, their wants, fears, desires, what’s keeping them awake at night, the more and FASTER I can unleash a flood of sales for you.

So obviously, I can only take on so many projects.

Now, you’ll always be able to find writers on Elance or some content marketing farm, but you never know what you’re going to get.

Can my copy really trigger a wave of sales for you? Find out right now with this lighting fast, hassle-free compatibility questionnaire.


It’ll take you no more than five minutes. If it looks like it’s a go, then the next step is to schedule your 30-minute FREE money strategy call. We’ll go step-by-step through your product and uncover benefits you didn’t even know about.


There’s no obligation to proceed, and even if we agree to not work together, you’ll walk away with at least one bonanza of an idea to increase your sales.